Friday, December 16, 2011

In 1999, from left to right, Pat Merrick,early riser footlauncher, Larry Mauro, the designer of the "Easy Riser, Joe Raymond,riser pilot, Bill Lishman, Father Goose, Chuck Slusarczyk, Who flew his Riser accross Lake Erie in 1979 and developed reduction units and landing gear, Mike Loehle, who designed a tail for the Riser, me, and Jerry Golner, early ultralight pilot, declared me as the highest time (1295 hours) pilot in the world. The only historical guy of note who wasn't there was John Moody.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This was shot from my Easy Riser in '87 the last time that U/L's were allowed to fly 18/36 at Oshkosh. It shows the old U/L runway that ran parallel to 18/36 and was about 1/2 mile further north than where it is located today. If you look closely you can see my "wingman" Rich Bryant landing his Easy Riser on 18/36.

This was also before they lengthed 18/36.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Erie Challenger Flyin 2011

Me, Dave Goulet and Karen at the 2011 Challenger Flyin at Jim and Sue Robinson's field in Erie Illinois.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Roy and Jim

I was cruising the web today and I came across Roy Beisswenger and Jim Sweeney talking about the IUAC Safety Seminar February last year and mentioned me and some of the early years of Safety Seminars for Ultralights. I thought it was nice of them to remember me.

I did in fact help create U/L safety seminars also in KY, WI, and IN.

Cut and paste in your browser

Friday, November 4, 2011

I found a letter I wrote to Sport Aviation in 1982..

Friday, September 30, 2011

My history

A video of my last Illinois Safety seminar where I shared some of my ultralight history with the audience. 2010. I found it accidently on the web but I have no idea who shot it and published it.

Friday, September 16, 2011

My ChallengerII that I fly in Flight Sim X in the winter when it's too cold, snowy, and the fact that my hanger doors are frozen shut :>(

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The "Foote"

Chuck S. sterilizing the FOOTE with MuzzleLoader prior to the ceremony!!

Fly the 'Dactyl

'98 Mark's niece flying the 'Dac!
She was 11 and flew well....

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Me in my Riser getting ready to bounce on a Lazair 1984


John Chotia's Weedhopper
A Mitchell Wing either Richard Avalon or Steve Patmont's 1978-79


Claus Hill's "Hummer"



Ed Sweeny twin Chrysler 820 set up for hang gliders
1977 Quicksilver "A" model
Power Chrysler West Bend 820